2011年3月22日 星期二



new angles' interactive light installation

super nature

'new angles' is an interactive light installation by shanghai-based design studio, super nature.
the hexagonal object features a crystallized surface which flickers and blinks in a multitude of colours.
each faceted angle acts in a manner similar to a giant pixel, holistically displaying an image
or effect by coordinating their light patterns.

the installation aims to create a visual dialogue with the viewer, at times mimicking and reflecting
the actions of those in front with a ghostly but vibrantly coloured silhouette. it plays with the elements
of imagination and reality by juxtaposing the act of subversive thinking with visual perception.

here to see a video of 'new angles' in action.



rAndom International

VIP attendees of the annual Design Miami/Art Basel art and design showcase in Switzerland Monday are being treated to a new interactive light sculpture from London design studio Random International.

Comprised of hundreds of LEDs that are physically linked with polished brass and electronically linked by micro controllers, Swarm Light takes audio visualization into the real world using three 3D grids of lights.

Interactivity is based around embedded microphones that pick up nearby sounds. The audio is processed in real time by software and transformed into corresponding light animations that float above you like swarms of choreographed fireflies. The effect is breathtaking.




Inspired by both the One_Shot.MGX stool and flower blossoms found in nature, this table lamp features a shade which collapses and expands to release or contain light.



Marcel Wanders

Flos has even been awarded "cradle-to-cradle" certification for the eco-effective production process, an important prize particularly in the United States.

